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Aviso legal


Torbau Schwaben GmbH
Enzianstraße 14
D-88436 Oberessendorf

Teléfono: +49 (0) 7355/93 10-0
Correo electrónico:


Herr Roland Kaiser; Herr Frank Landthaler


Inscripción en el registro mercantil.
Tribunal de registro: Ulm
Número de registro: 640678


Número de IVA: DE 144 892 522


Logo der just start GmbH


Todos los datos e información contenidos en nuestro sitio web han sido revisados cuidadosamente por Torbau Schwaben GmbH. Ni Torbau Schwaben GmbH ni otros proveedores pueden asumir responsabilidad alguna por la exactitud, integridad y actualidad de dicha información. Esta información está destinada a la prestación de servicios a los clientes, partes interesadas, distribuidores, proveedores y socios de Torbau Schwaben GmbH.

Torbau Schwaben GmbH posee los derechos de autor sobre las imágenes y los textos, los cuales no podrán reproducirse ni copiarse sin su consentimiento expreso.

Los respectivos proveedores son responsables de los sitios web de terceros a los que Torbau Schwaben GmbH hace referencia a través de un hipervínculo. Torbau Schwaben GmbH no es responsable del contenido de dichos sitios de terceros.

Get Prize Please enter valid measurements only as numbers in millimetres without unit of measurement and without special characters such as "." or ",". Please fill in all mandatory fields Please enter valid measurements only as numbers in millimetres without unit of measurement and without special characters such as "." or ",".

Width at protection height over 0,5 m between 2000 and 3100 mm

Width at protection height below 0,5 m between 2000 and 5200 mm

Height between 2120 and 2520 mm
Please enter valid dimensions.

Width between 500 and 1210 mm
Height between 1200 and 2300 mm
Please fill in all mandatory fields or make sure that the format is correct. The entered passwords do not match. The password must contain at least 8 characters. Please enter your email address and password. Please enter your email address Are you sure you want to delete the product?
This will delete the entire configuration
By clicking on "Declined" this offer will be deleted.
Are you sure?
If you want to change your offer, please note:
You will be taken back to the first step, but with all the entries you made in the input fields.
There you can then make your changes.
Have you clarified everything with your customer and TBS?
Then you can mark the offer as "ordered" here and place it in the folder "Orders".